We all want to do great things. Sometimes though, we lose sight of all the hard work that needs to be put in. Case in point, the Wild Wonder Conference will be held virtually in September this year. This is a Nature Journaling conference and brings in people world wide and they were looking for instructors. I of course thought I really need to send in ideas for classes. I procrastinated. I didn't make it a priority. When the deadline came I threw a few classes together and sent it in. Now I am nowhere near being a perfectionist, I consider something done is better than something perfect (hence never done). Imagine my surprise when I opened the email and told I was not selected to instruct.
My first reaction was indignance. What do you mean?! I am a good instructor! That reaction only lasted about 30 seconds because I knew I didn't put in the work. I didn't do "the best" I could have. If I had, I would have just used it as motivation to try harder next time. Don't worry this will also make me work harder. The moral of the story is if I didn't make it a priority, it showed and why should the conference make me a priority if I didn't put in the work?
I don't think I am alone in the tendency to surround myself with things that I want to do. Journals, different pencils, paper, travel easel, watercolors, acrylics... well you get the idea. I want to be a better journaler and artist ( I also have plenty of other pursuits) but I need to put in the work. I can have the most expensive paper and watercolors but if I don't practice not matter how good my tools are, they are just that, tools. So this is your Monday motivation to make what you really want in life a priority.
No get out there, kick some butt, and happy sketching.